Ideal Husband

How to be Ideal Husband in 2024?

For married life to be prosperous, it is necessary to identify specific qualities of an ideal husband and wife. It is also important to understand that every woman has her own definition of ideality. Consider the case of a woman who is addicted to extravagant spending on personal needs. Then she will consider the same person ideal for her, who meets all of her requirements.

Such qualities cannot be declared as examples, however. Only those qualities that demonstrate a person’s morality, temperance, cheerfulness, and consideration for others’ legitimate needs qualify as ideal qualities.

Responsibilities of a Husband in Islam

Islam describes some responsibilities of a man as an ideal husband. He must treat his wife with kindness and respect, and provide her with security and stability. He must also fulfill her material needs to the best of his ability. He must also protect her from harm and fulfill his religious obligations.

Additionally, a husband must fulfill his duties to his wife, such as providing for her education and helping her in her religious obligations. He must also treat her with fairness, justice, and kindness. He must also be a good role model for his wife and children.

Practice Family Spirituality

In Islam, family spirituality is highly valued. Make time to pray together, perform acts of worship, and encourage each other to follow the teachings of Islam. By creating a spiritually nurturing environment within the family, you strengthen the bond between you and your wife and instill positive values in your children. Allah Almighty says in Qur’an:

“Defend yourselves and your families from a fire fueled by men and stones.”

Show Respect and Love an Ideal Husband

Respect and love are the foundation of any successful marriage. Treat your wife with kindness and consideration, always valuing her opinions and feelings. Show her affection and appreciation through words and actions, such as hugs, kisses, and small acts of kindness. Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

In regard to women, fear Allah and: the best of you are those who treat your wives best. A Muslim must not hate his wife, and if he is upset with one bad quality in her, he should be pleased with one good quality. He will also be more perfect in faith if he is civil and kind to his wife.

Ideal Husband

Spending on Wife is the Best Charity in Islam

An ideal husband is generous; that is, he is aware of the legitimate needs of his wife and does not act cheaply or stingily to meet those needs. Just as he spends on his own needs, he should also spend on his wife’s needs. In Islamic teachings, spending on the legitimate demands of the wife has been declared as charity. This means that spending on a wife is a social necessity and also a source of reward by Allah Almighty.

Women are free to wish that their husband should not let them realize that he doesn’t spend as much on them as he does on himself. The ideal husband should take his wife in confidence if, for some reason, he is not willing to spend money or time on her.

Hazrat Abu Masoud Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) says that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that “A man’s spending on his family is charity.

Exemplary Life of the Prophet (PBUH) as an Ideal Husband

A man should also assist his wife with her work if she is busy with some necessary work. The Prophet of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) teaches the same lesson from his life. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) teaches the same lesson from his life. Compared to the present day, there were very few jobs for women in those houses, there were no small children, and the wives were not as busy as today. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) came home, he used to help the wives with their housework. Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

“The best of you is the one who is good to his wives.”

Besides being fantastic and ideal, a husband should also have the quality of stability and independence in his actions. A good husband is someone who knows how to take care of his wife’s happiness; he knows what makes her happy and how to keep her happy. To make her realize that she is not just a housemaid; she is an important member of the family.

Story of a Women Came to Umer (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) To Complain about her Husband

Inferred from a historical incident, a woman came to Umar and said she did not want to live with her husband. Hazrat Umar listened to her complaint, assured her that it would be resolved, and called her husband to figure out what the real problem was. After a while, a man came to him with dirty and scattered hair, dirty clothes, and a mad look on his face. When Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) saw the man’s dress, he understood why the woman did not want to live with him.

He ordered to arrange new clothes for the man and also ordered that his hair should be straightened or corrected, after which he was asked to bathe and put on new clothes, and then his wife was called again. When the woman came, Hazrat Umar made the man stand next to her. It worried the woman that Ameerul Mu’mineen was sending a non-mahram with her. Seeing her husband’s face carefully, she happily took his hand and walked home.

Conclusion To be an Ideal Husband

As an ideal husband, it is important to lead by example. Be a good role model for your wife and your children. Follow the teachings of Islam and lead a balanced and virtuous life. By embodying the qualities that Islam values, you will inspire your wife and strengthen your marriage.

Remember, being an amazing and ideal husband in Islam is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, commitment, and self-reflection. By following these tips, you can cultivate a loving, respectful, and fulfilling marriage that is built on the foundation of Islam.

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