whats a haram relationship

Islamic Guidance on Haram Relationship

As Muslims, we need to have an understanding of what constitutes a halal or haram relationship in Islam. There are many misconceptions about the Islamic view on love and relationships, which can lead to misunderstanding and confusion. In this blog post, we’ll explore what haram relationship mean, discuss the importance of adhering to divine laws when it comes to matters of the heart, as well as examine how to repent from haram relationship. And how can we make sure our relationships remain faithful to Islamic beliefs? Also see the pictorial guide for understanding your mahram and non mahram relationships according to Quran and Hadith.

Haram relationship meaning

Haram relationship refers to any romantic or sexual relationship that goes against Islamic principles. There are some common examples include premarital sex, adultery, and any romantic or sexual relationship between people who aren’t married to one another.

In fact, the topic of haram relationships is mentioned in many verses and several Hadith, which emphasize the importance of avoiding sinful behavior and seeking forgiveness when we do fall short. By striving to follow these guidelines, we can ensure that our relationships are based on love, respect, and a shared commitment to living a virtuous life in the eyes of Allah.

Haram relationship

Hadith on Haram Relationship

As Muslims, it is important for us to abide by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as relayed to us in the Hadith. Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said,

When two people are (illegally) together alone then the third is Shaytan. [Tirmidhi]

This reminds us of the importance of guarding our chastity and avoiding anything that could lead us astray from the path of righteousness to the path of Shaytan.

Why is Haram Relationship Forbidden in Islam?

 As Muslims, it is important to understand the reasons why haram relationships are forbidden in Islam.

  • First and foremost, premarital relationships go against the teachings of Islam, which emphasizes the need for modesty and chastity.
  • Haram relationships can also lead to physical and emotional harm to society, such as unwanted pregnancies and heartbreak.
  • As Muslims, we must strive to uphold the values and principles of Islam, which includes avoiding relationships outside of marriage. We must protect ourselves and our partners from falling into sin and to abstain from actions that can bring harm to our souls and our communities.

 Rules and Principles When It Comes to Relationships

As a religion, Islam offers its followers guidance on every aspect of life, including relationships.

When it comes to making a relationship, Shariah Rules and Principles are the most important to consider. These principles help Muslims navigate the terrain of love, relationships, and courtship with clear boundaries, respect, and communication. Quran and hadith mention what is halal and what is haram on this ground.

For Muslims, a successful relationship starts with a strong commitment to following the rules of Islam. Whether you are currently in a relationship or on the lookout for one, abiding by these principles will guarantee a fulfilling and satisfying love life.

 Forbidden Forms of Intimacy

Forbidden forms of intimacy are ubiquitous in various religions around the world, and Islam is no exception. In Islam, certain acts are labeled as prohibited when they fall outside the boundaries of marital relationships. There are three common forms of these types of relationship:

  • Premarital relationships

Most common form is premarital relationships. Any type of romantic or sexual premarital relationship between couples is restricted in Islam. These types of relationships are common in our societies. Allah Almighty commanded punishment as one hundred lashes to each fornicator for premarital sex in Islam.

  • Extramarital affairs

Adultery or extramarital affairs are also one of the most severe forms forbidding intimacy in Islam, and the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) has commanded the punishment for adulterers as stoning to death called ‘Rajm’.

  • Homosexual relationships

Furthermore, same-sex relationships are also most common nowadays. It is strictly forbidden and regarded as immoral and against the teachings of Islam. So we, as Muslims, should understand homosexual relationship according to Islam.

Muslims believe that indulging in any form of haram or prohibited intimacy would lead them astray from the path of righteousness, distort their inner peace, and tarnish the sanctity of marriage- a sacred institution in Islam. Thus, Islam promotes halal (lawful) intimacy within the framework of marriage to maintain the purity and honor of its followers.

The consequences of being involved in a Haram relationship

Being involved in a Haram relationship can have severe consequences that one may not have considered:

  • Not only is it a violation of religious principles, but also if caught, there may be legal repercussions.
  • The emotional toll on individuals involved in such relationships can be immense, often leading to feelings of guilt, shame, and regret.
  • These negative emotions can affect not only the individuals themselves but also their families and close friends.

So, it is important to remember that the consequences of being involved in a Haram relationship can be devastating and far-reaching.

Advice from Scholarly Sources on How to Avoid Haram Relationships

Haram relationships can have serious consequences for both your spiritual health and your emotional well-being. Ending a haram relationship is possible with a little effort. However, scholars described some key points or tips on how to have a halal relationship.

  • Understand your mahram and non-mahram relations prescribed by Quran and Hadith.
  • Join a spiritual mentor and ask him, how to end haram relationship and convert haram to halal relationship.  how to have a halal relationship. The key to avoiding haram relationships is to surround yourself with positive influences who will help keep you accountable and support your desire to live a halal lifestyle.
  • Joining a company of a pious, faithful, and supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your values and beliefs is key to resisting temptation.
  • Cultivating self-discipline, avoiding situations that may lead to temptation, and seeking guidance and protection from Allah (SWT) can all help in avoiding haram relationships.
  • By strengthening your connection with Allah (SWT), you’ll find the strength and guidance necessary to resist temptation. This can be achieved by regularly engaging in prayer, immersing yourself in the teachings of the Quran, and practicing acts of charity and kindness.
  • Marriage is halal way to pursue relationships. Get Married if you can afford it as The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

O young men! Whoever among you can afford it, let him get married.


In conclusion, it is very important to remember that a relationship outside of the bounds of marriage is considered haram in Islam. A committed Muslim should understand and adhere to these religious beliefs. Taking into consideration all the benefits associated with choosing a lawful mate it would be wise to consider marriage as an alternative to haram relationships. Ending a haram relationship may come with a sense of sadness but one must remember that there are divine laws for human behavior designed for our own wellbeing and benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is it haram to have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

In Islam, having a girlfriend or any form of romantic relationship outside of marriage is not allowed.

  1. Can Muslims kiss before marriage?

In Islam, physical intimacy before marriage is prohibited. This includes kissing and other forms of physical contact.

  1. Is it haram to hug before marriage?

Hugging is considered a form of physical intimacy, and therefore it is haram, for male and female couples, to hug before marriage.

  1. Can I talk to my fiancé before marriage in Islam?

In Islam, communication between engaged couples is permitted to a certain extent. While private meetings without a chaperone are not allowed before marriage, engaged couples are allowed to talk and communicate openly in a respectful and modest way. This communication should also be limited to topics that pertain to marriage and building a life together.

  1. Is it allowed to do romance in Islam before marriage?

In Islam, there are strict codes of conduct regarding romantic relationships. Pre-marital intimacy, including kissing and touching, is considered haram, or prohibited.

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