Taraweeh rakats

A Complete Understanding of Taraweeh Rakats.

For Muslims, the holy month of Ramadan is a time of spiritual growth, self-reflection, and increased devotion through various acts of worship, including reading the Quran, giving to charity, and performing extra prayers such as the Taraweeh. This additional night prayer, known for its long and melodious recitations, has been a significant source of spiritual…

Reward of Taraweeh

Significance and Reward of Taraweeh in Ramadan

Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims worldwide, is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement, and increased devotion through fasting, prayers, and community engagement. One of the most cherished and revered acts of worship during Ramadan is Taraweeh, a special form of night prayer. Allah Almighty has announced a big reward of Taraweeh to his believers….